Sunday, January 4, 2009

Here are some awesome pictures of winter here in Nauvoo.  We went out for a walk today and by the time I got home my cheeks and nose were frozen.  It is cold here but it does make for some really great pictures.  We will thaw out in another week.


Sharon said...

Doubtful that Dad can thaw out in Nauvoo, if he can't handle California winters. Or did you mean you would thaw out in the Caribbean? Cuz I'm looking forward to that myself!!!

cara said...

That ice (bench) sculpture... whatever it is... looks cool! That would be fun to see!

cara said...

Got your postcard! Thanks for always sending us one! I love you and miss you!

In my CTE (career technology education) class in school, we are sewing aprons!
Love you!
Have fun on the cruise!


Tammy said...

Those pictures are great! It looks like an alien place compared to what I have ever seen. Gary loves the postcards you send. He pins them up on his bulletin board.