Friday, October 14, 2011


Just wanted to thank all those who helped so much to pack everything up so we could get the ceilings done and floor. With my shoulder there is no way we could have done it without you. A special thanks to Jenni and Jared, Gaylene, Tracy, Holly, Shannon, and Mark and also dad. Also to Jenni and Jared for their extra help and for their help in removing the furniture from the kitchen so they could do the floor and then putting it back after the painting was done. Don't know what we would have done without you all. I still have a lot to put back and still some more dusting and cleaning to do. I am trying to go thru things and do some purging while I am putting back. I have been getting tired easier because of the radiation and my shoulder doesn't help but I'm getting there.

I am back to water aerobics and it really feels good. Of course that will end when I have my surgery. But while I can I'll do it. It is amazing how fast the body goes to flab and how slow it returns.

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